Friday, August 31, 2007

Spiritually yours!!!

Picture the scene in most rooms of innumerable students around the world just before they leave home to appear for an examination - no matter how big or small it is. Almost all of them will be praying to a particular God or something they consider as a supernatural power. However, how many of us truly respect the super powers other than when we think we need their help? Whenever something good happens, most forget to thank the powers - even when it is a big achievement or something that the person had wished/asked for from these very super powers. Do we really have a right to treat the powers so shoddily??.
Isn’t this the case with most of us, not only in our spiritual lives but also in our day-to-day relations?
I know I am asking many questions which most of us are not comfortable with answering, to the extent that few may consider it none of my business. Nevertheless, taking a bit of liberty and poking my unwanted nose in others’ business, I shall proceed.
Many question the whole concept of God. It is said that religion was formed to bring order to the society millennium ago. Well the way society is moving nowadays, it looks as though the objective has not yet been successfully achieved. The mind of a person not only yearns for a power to look up to and depend on - for most of his miseries - but also to escape the inevitability of death. However, a lot of us have no choice but to put up a brave face about death when actually faced with the reality of it, either through a close encounter or through the death of a close one. The loss of someone without whom you could not think of carrying out your life really hits hard and many struggle to recover.
The thought that there exists a life after death or even rebirth makes it easier to accept death. Hence, would paying respect to these sources of strength and stability be correct? The answer is an emphatic YES. The atheists of this world are most of the time leading unstable lives. Not many of them are famous or successful either. How many famous people that you know are atheists? This clearly shows that the successful people need something to help them to move ahead in life while being amazingly strong mentally. This highlights the need for us to remember the powers that are - even when we are elated and happy.
Many people may say it is a matter of ethics and principles, which is not quite a part of the present world. However, the part within us that we refer to as ‘conscience’ always manages to poke the question ‘are we being true to ourselves and the almighty?’ whenever we ask for the next favour, the next after that, and the next and so on. We manage to sidestep this question and move along. Moreover, when we do succeed we forget the very entity on which we were so dependant just a while back. We do not realise that praying is the mind’s way of self-counselling (saves the big bucks spent on the shrink!!). We expect others to show gratitude when we ourselves do not show gratitude on reception of a favour and lose respect in the eyes of others. The joy that one can see in the eyes of the underprivileged when a courteous word is directed towards them is truly heart warming and to give joy is the best way of receiving it.
Our conscience and state of mind is the deciding factor in who we turn out to be. It’s for us to mould these entities so as to create an individual who is self righteous and full of gratitude. He should be able to recognise that directly or indirectly the supernatural powers are responsible for his well-being and should not forget them for even a moment in joy or grief or boredom. The person who can imbibe these attributes will be rest assured of a successful and mentally stable and happy life.

"Let the mind sore into the realm of heaven and it will do onto you what you desire"

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